2010年7月2日 星期五


Sailfish tagging cruise_Matthew finding sailfish

大部份的鏢手就改以 「放緄」(延繩釣)為主




手持快門1/4秒、光圈F4、ISO 400

有 好一段時間沒有看日出了



圖 左處可見三仙台,日出前光線變化很快


















而且,大部份捕獲幾乎都 在50公斤以下



你拍攝的 雨傘旗魚。
雨傘旗魚(Istiophorus platypterus)
鰭高度遠高過體 高。


Ocean Field Operations _ July 2 2010

Tuna and Billfish Tagging Project

4.00am Onboard

Captain: Yung Fu

1st Mate: Wiket

Project Leader: Riyar

Still Camera: James

Video 1: Shing zja

Video 2: Matthew

Objective – join with experienced harpoon fishermen to conduct harpooning PSAT on sailfish

Pre dawn departure required meeting at the office at 3.45am to collect camera and tagging gear. Riyar has prepared 2 X-tag PSATs from Microwave Telemetry.

The harpoon spear has been specially modified for the Tag attachment. Video footage was gathered for this process as the fork is sterilized using alcohol; the darts are placed on each point of the harpoon.

The tether for the tag is an 8 cm lead attached to 3.5 cm swivel then to two 14 cm leads for the dart’s which penetrates and secure under the fish skin by using a surgical grade nylon flopper taghead that resists extraction from the muscles. An even better method is to place the dart in the muscles at the base of a dorsal fin so that the barb penetrates the bony extensions at the base of the fin rays.

Application however is not so easy - as the day presents.

Leaving Shinkang harbor we travelled south for about 2 hours. The weather during the early morning was of a seemingly stable low. Humidity was high and not a lot of wind. These calm warm conditions made the prediction of finding sail fish slim. Other fishermen were already located 3 – 5 km offshore from the coastal town of Donghe. There was a tide rip apparent in the sea surface as the calm waters met small choppy waves. We then began a spiral of the immediate area in communication with the long line boats that where fishing there.

We received a reported sighting from a nearby vessel and went to the vicinity with no affirmation. Reference to the weather made the morning seem long and unproductive. An 11 o’clock knock off time was proposed.

Fortunately mid morning the desired change came through, the wind shifted form a southerly to an easterly and then a north east. This brought cooler temperatures and a higher cloud cover, altocumulus. The waves increased and came from the north. We had reached our southern most point and where headed slowly north returning to Cheng gong harbor.

Our morning had not been totally unsuccessful. Towing trolling lines had captured two dolphinfish which Wicket began cooking for lunch. The preparation was interrupted with a possible sighting and need for the Wicket to grab the harpoon on the platform at the bow of the boat. The harpoon boat is a conventional v hull with a plank or platform extending over the bow from which the harpooner has direct access to the fish beneath him. The harpoon consists of a 15 – 18 ft pole fitted with a stainless steel trident.

Lunch was resumed when the immediate search suspended and greatly appreciated and quickly devoured by the team. The changed weather, a few attempts in which expectation had grown meant staying past the 11 am deadline, 12. 30 pm was declared.

A few more unfulfilled sightings were made, the learning experience of what to look for, the challenge of then filming activity, the recognition that the wide horizon, the blue depths and the rocking of the boat was easing towards rest when a fin had been seen.

Captain Yung Fu powdered the boat onto the fishes presumed course.

Thankfully the sighting resulted in a tagging event. The fish is difficult to see yet the harpoon plunged into the sailfish anterior alongside the dorsal fin. Because of the bent fork it is hope that at least one of the darts secured itself. The timing of the harpoon requires experience, a bait fish is thrown into the water directly in front of the vessel as prey for the sailfish. As the sailfish surfaces to grasp the bait the harpooner thrusts his spear into the fish. As demanding as a coordinated strike entails avoidance of fatally injuring the fish is part of the harpooner skill.

Location, time and tag number are all recorded for data to be correlated into the fishes recovery and migratory paths.

This information is expected to provide insight into the stock size, migration, spawning as well as daily habitats such as depth of dives and surface feeding.

